Music Box

Friday, February 8, 2008

Journey to Christ

Accepting Christ was a difficult thing in my life. Knowing Him was a task which came with sacrifices and dedication. Christ died for us to that we may lived. In return, we should live like He did. God sent His only Son, Jesus to save us from our sins we bear from our parents, Adam and Eve, so that we may enter heaven and be guaranteed of salvation.

Journey towards Christ was met with hills and mountains in my life. A friend asked me this, "When did you accepted Jesus into your life?" and i answered, since i was born because by having parents as Catholics, i thought i inherited the status as well. He then explained to me and said, "Being a Christian is not a heritage nor it is a custom which is passed down because every individual needs to open their own hearts and say i do by themselves in order to accept Christ". That's when i understood the meaning of being a Christian. It wasn't something i inherited from my parents as it wasn't theirs. Christ owns us and we belong to Him whether or not we denounce Him, ignore Him or reject Him. God is our creator nonetheless and we should say yes to Him.F or that, i object the idea aliens put us here on Earth. By saying i do when we learn to accept Jesus is when we become a follower of Christ.

Why is Christ important to me? He is because He loves me. He said it Himself all over the Bible and the best i can give is love Him back. He gave up His life for me so that i may enter Heaven. Heaven's gates was closed before that when God banished Adam and Eve. Jesus's purpose was to re-open it by saving our sins. Of love and humbleness, He let Himself to be crucified. Being a follower of Christ, I am promised eternal life and salvation, being saved after death. I have God to hold my hand when my time comes, to live in paradise after death and its the best thing one could hope for. I need not worry at all because i will have Jesus with me when i die. It gives me relief to know someone is waiting at the other end for me.

In contrast to some other religious ideas that we are reborn into animals, reborn into the circle of life all over again or roam the earth as lost souls are somewhat depressing and scary. Wouldn't you want to be thinking of a chance of paradise after death? Or suffering all over again in this world?

We only have one life and it is this life, to do good in every way we can to help others so that we may enter God's paradise for eternity. I believe in that and i'll take my chances. I pray i can know Jesus more each day. God is real because we are real.


Sabrina said...

Touching. I will follow Christ the best I can too.