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Sunday, September 28, 2008

To errr is human

There was this talk on Love at Grace City Church yesterday (27th September) from 3-9pm. It was divided into 3 part. Love, Purity and Truth.

Overall i have to admit that it enlighten me a whole lot about the truth of love and its purity. The meaning of love that was discussed was totally different from the meaning of love that i had and always assumed in my life. Now that i've realised so much on what i've missed and mistaken, i wanna strive to be the person in Christ Himself. I am willing to surrender my mistakes and sin to Him, so that i can follow Him, and His way.

It's not always easy to go through struggles in life. It never is. Struggles we face everyday, if taken into our own hands, always yields opposite results or no results at all. This too has made me realised that all sufferings, pain and struggles cannot be achieved and overcome by the will of men. By myself, i can succeed in a short-term, but i will keep failing as always. Only by offering my life to Him, can i be able to accomplish anything. Through Him, with Him and in Him, nothing is impossible by the unity of the Trinity.

To change, is what i want. To live the life like Jesus, is what i strive for.

But to fall and sin, is human. God's grace and forgiveness is greater than all of our sins combined. We tend to stray away from God as we commit small sins. Remember that Jesus has took all of our sins away, and will take them away, if we are only willing to accept the fact we are sinners and offer our sins to Him. With a flick of His finger, by the grace from the Father, our sins can be forgiven.


AmYkLh said...

It should be Trust for the third part... not truth. =)