Music Box

Monday, July 28, 2008


Why a day does consist of 24 hours? Some say men set it that way that 60 seconds made up 1 minute, where 60 minutes made up 1 hour. Why did they not calculated in such a way that 1000 minutes made up a day? Or 100 minutes made up an hour? It would have made calculations so much easier.

Whatever the agreement was, a day was a day, no matter what unit we used today, a day’s time cannot be increased, neither can it decrease assuming the amount of sunlight = sundown (equator area, it’s fair that way).

How great is it that God’s creation of light and dark added up with the speed of the earth rolling on its axis and size of mother Earth, produces the right amount of time in a day for mankind. How amazing is it for mankind to be able to eat, sleep, work and rest all within the same 24 hour period. Some say, our body’s circadian rhythm of 24 hours adjusts itself to fit the 24 hour cycle.

What if a day was 30 hours? Would we have a 30 hour cycle then? How long would we need to sleep, eat, rest and work now?

I believe that God intended to give 24 hours a day period for us all. He fine-tuned His creations especially us, to fit and use 24 hours to our comfort to perform all the necessary activities in life. He perfected 24 hours in a day for us so we would not have to work for more than 10 hours, eat 5 meals a day and sleep for 15 hours. Neither would we have less time in a day to do anything. Combined with the amazing Earth’s self rotation on its axis and the size of the Earth, God gave us the one precious free thing we have unconditionally.

Time. Time that we could use it to carry out human activities.

We are so used to complain that time is insufficient in a day to do what we want when in fact we should be grateful that a day is never too long neither too short. Let’s be grateful. It is perfect.

Friday, July 25, 2008


I've been off-beat for the 1st 2 weeks of study,

I lack the motivation to do anything, just being giddy,

I become tired of people often too fast,

And stay away from activities I think I couldn't last,

Even as I type my words are mispelt too often,

Dear Lord I need you so much so my life can be brighten,

Tell me, show me, hint to me my wrongs,

To be rid of it and be back self-singing songs,

I need Your strength to return me to myself,

I ask for Your blessing to get back my "health".

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Have you had any idea how much i love you?

Have you any idea how much I love you?

I doubt you do…

But I seriously think what we have has added a whole new dimension to this “Love” thing.

I mean, ever time I see you even if I’m expecting you,

My heart starts doing this little “happy dance” inside me.

You’d think that would have worn off by now,

But I don’t think it ever will!

I used to think that poets got a bit carried away when they wrote of things like “hearing angels sing” or “the earth moving” when talking about love,

But I’m a believer now

Loving you has brought so much magic and wonder and joy to my life that it makes everyday feel like a dream.

I still can’t believe my luck in finding the one person in the entire universe who is exactly perfect for me.

Thank you for showing me that there’s so much more to life than I ever thought…

You are more important to me than the very air I breathe,

And I will love you forever.

Linda Lee Elrod

Thursday, July 10, 2008


This is what we do out of the blue.

What she doesn't realize is that i tricked her into having a conversation where she had to make facial expressions and secretly hit the "print screen" button. This is what she did. Her original work of art. Magnifique!

Clockwise from left to right: Sabrina doing King Kong (Where's my banana?), Sabrina trying to stick her tongue out, Sabrina smiling aimlessly (My webcam not even on), Sabrina growling like a tiger.

I just love her smile. Don't you?

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hale or Hail?

I woke up this morning to crackling noises on the rooftop. It was hailing! Small pieces of ice were raining down followed by rain. At one corner of the house i could see all the ice cumulating like snow. Over the ranges, it was covered in white sleet of ice/snow all the way from Tararua to Ruahine. It was beautiful.